Digital learning

Learn where, when and how you want

Digital tools have revolutionised University Lifelong Learning, transforming the traditional notion of a classroom and creating even more flexible educational opportunities. 

The flexibility brought by digital learning goes far beyond delivering classes online. Including digital learning opportunities in universities is crucial to ensuring that learners who might not be able to attend in-person courses have access to the education they need. 

The convenience of digital learning allows people from different locations and with different schedules to attend reputable university courses worldwide. Furthermore, the variety of digital tools available caters for all sorts of learning preferences – whether that is joining a virtual classroom, using interactive tools or engaging in online forums. 


Digital tools

Lifelong learning utilises a wide range of digital tools to widen access to education and offer personalised learning pathways. From video conferencing platforms to online collaboration tools, there is something for everyone.

Methods and pedagogies

Digital learning can also employ different methods and pedagogies. Among others, blended, project-based or competency-based learning have the potential to stimulate active engagement regardless of the learner´s location.

Experiences from learners

Learners' perspectives on digital learning reveal the benefits of this new form of teaching. Learners emphasise convenience and global interactivity as it enables them to develop the skills they need at their own pace and from any location.

Networking and exchange

Digital learning has made networking and knowledge-exchange easier and more accessible than ever. Learners can attend virtual conferences, take part in forum discussions and establish important relationships without the traditional financial or travel constraints.

Hybrid formats

Hybrid formats combine traditional in-person teaching with online methods. This provides a varied approach that can suit a wider audience and offers more flexibility.

Innovation and technology

Advancements in innovation and technology play a crucial role in Lifelong Learning. Harnessing these advancements is essential for universities to keep delivering relevant education using the most innovative tools and in the most innovative ways possible.

Teachers' digital competences

University Lifelong Learning also addresses digital knowledge gaps within teaching staff. Empowering teachers with the competences required to offer digital classes is essential to make universities more accessible.

Digital Wellbeing

Digital wellbeing refers to a healthy and balanced relationship with technology, mindful use of digital tools, awareness of overexposure to screens and being able to prioritise our physical and mental wellbeing.

Digital Literacy

In the era of Industry 4.0, Lifelong Learning is essential in providing everybody with the opportunity to learn the in-demand digital skills. Digital literacy is also important outside work, for example, to navigate the latest tools used to communicate.

Some projects exploring Digital Learning

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